Ethical Investing

Steve: So how do you illuminate and then activate ethical and best business practices in a company and people who maybe aren’t used to thinking that way? Or are somewhere along that pathway because it’s a continuum of sorts? 

Sandip: It comes down to basic needs. So, I’m not gonna care about these issues if I can’t put food on the table, or if I can’t get to the standard of living that I think I should be at. That’s the basics of what happens in the Northern atmosphere, right? Or even in Europe or other places. 

That’s why they say, in economies if you don’t take care of your middle class, your economy will fail. Because until you can, in a company, provide that level of security or that level of assurance to your employees, the buy-in won’t be there. 

Because if it’s going to hurt the way that I live, or the ability to put food on the table or jobs -as soon as that’s at risk – I’m going to back away. 

And I’ve seen that happen. That’s why I say “conviction and stakeholder alignment”. Because people will generally not take that next step or expend any sort of political capital, unless they have security themselves. Very rarely will people take a step when they’re not sure about themselves. 

That’s what I’ve experienced.